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American Modular Tooling Studio Tools

AMT Studio Tools light weight, modular armatures and tools bring new opportunities to the pre-prototype and prototype industries. Providing highly accurate work surfaces and attachment surfaces, wood, polystyrene, urethane, aluminum and other materials typically used to represent final surfaces may be applied in their raw state and machined while on armature structures.

Studio Tools Solutions


  • Milling and display armatures, jigs, fixtures and tools for the modeling and studio industry since 1991

  • Standard armature units designed for cross-platform use utilizing a common practice approach

  • Instrument panels, seat platforms and door trim armatures

  • Tunnel console milling jigs and door milling jigs

  • Modeling tables in any scale and size, full or half models

  • Light weight, modular exterior armatures

  • Other available components include casters, levels, hinges, steering column simulators and more


AMT Studio Tools Offer These Advantages


  • Fast, accurate and repeatable armature builds

  • Simplified supplier integration

  • Standard studio components

  • Functional capabilities

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Proven studio system design

Mirror Tables save time and money while offering excellent display and preview quality. Modeling table jigs are available in 1/3-, half- and full-scale model sizes for milling, scultping and display. Other sizes and scales are available.

Modeling Table Jig (shown with optional mirror). The adjustable, distortion free mirror moves away from the center line of a 1/2 scale model for easy milling and hand sculpting applications.

Tunnel console milling jigs pivot to 90° and 180° positions with high accuracy, extending the capabilities of your 3 axis milling system. Bars, base plates and platforms are flat, square and parallel for both positions and for locating on a plate.

Let us help you design standard armature units for cross-platform use utilizing a common practice approach, including instrument panels, seat platforms, and door trim armatures.

Exterior Armature and Milling Jig


  • Light weight, modular exterior armature for pre-prototype and prototype industries

  • Provides highly accurate work and attachment surfaces

  • Holes, located in a precise grid pattern, are used to hold other modular components, or to attach vehicle components

  • Used with wood, polystyrene, clay, urethane, aluminum or other materials used to represent final surfaces

  • Media may be applied in its raw state and machined while still on the armature

  • Initial weight capacity tested to 10,000lbs; heavier load values are available on request

  • Modular construction allows expansion in 40mm increments in X (fore/aft), Y (cross-car), and Z (height) directions

  • Adjustable wheel brackets allow the armature to roll easily on standard wheels and tires

  • Wheel brackets provide finer adjustments for wheelbase and tread width

  • Auto-leveling actuators feature 0-10" of movement up or down, a 24 volt motor, AC power and PLC control

  • Auto-leveling, achieved by pushing a single button on the hand box, is completed in less than two minutes and provides ±0.010" levelness

  • Actuators may be packaged inside or outside the main frame and behind the wheels if required

  • Divided into segments, this armature can be easily shipped in a 4' x 5' box

  • Come to our Warren technical center and see the Studio Tools on display

  • Patent No.: US 7,766,388 B1 Modular base assembly for vehicle model making

  • Patent pending: Actuator bracket for a modular base aseembly for vehicle model making.

  • Patent No.: US 7,722,059 B1 Complete wheel bracket assembly for a modular base assembly for vehicle model making.



Since 1991 PWM has enjoyed a relationship with the automotive industry, specifically with clay design studios. Working with studio personnel and studio support shop personnel to understand past practices while concurrently developing a new process made our objectives clear:


  • Cross platform commonality

  • Quick assembly of armatures

  • Light weight, stable and reconfigurable

  • Common, interchangeable, functional armatures

  • Simple fastening system for applying wood and substratum

  • Environmentally friendly, ergonomic, no painting, no welding


Starting with the development of a common process spanning all platforms and vehicles, AMT Studio Tools are now in use throughout the world.

The contents of this website are copyrighted © 1998 - 2024 by Paul W. Marino Gages, Inc. Reprint by permission only.
AMT©, American Modular Tooling©, Studio Tools© and Solutions© are trade names of Paul W. Marino Gages, Inc.
Koba© is a registered trade name of Kolb & Baumann GmbH. of Germany. The Koba-Step©, Koba-Check©, Koba-Ball Step© and Koba-Optima© are protected by patents.
Photos and illustrations contained herein may show items or components not distributed by Paul W. Marino Gages, Inc. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this site.



Paul W. Marino Gages, Inc.
PWM Measurements & Standards (coming soon)
1 SE Ocean Blvd.
Stuart, FL 34994 USA

(Please contact us for our ship to address)
Phone/Text 313.300.0134
Fax is not available at this time.
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