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What Our Customer Say about American Modular Tooling

Date: 4/11/2001
To: Paul Marino Gages, Inc. Re: Cost savings using American Modular Tooling


Dear Paul,


This letter is to inform you of the very successful American Modular Tooling integration and recycling program that we started at General Motors Design Center. This program was started in April 2000 and in the first year we recovered, reconfigured when necessary and redirected into each of our studios approximately $1.2 million to $1.5 million dollars worth of AMT hardware.


As you know the large number of projects requires us to provide hardware daily, sometimes with no lead notice. The only way to provide armatures and fixtures with our timing constraints is to use the AMT system. The unique design of the AMT product allows us to disassemble, clean and reconfigure our hardware into any size or shape depending on the project requirements. Due to no machining, cutting, welding, specialized tools or training our turn-around time is remarkably quick.


No matter how many times we recycle this product it never loses its ability to be accurately reconfigured and will allow us to reuse it for many years. This recycling of our AMT hardware represents a substantial amount of savings to our yearly budget that can now be used for other projects, purchasing new hardware or refurbishing older equipment.


These savings, along with your ability to perform specialized machining and fabrication requests for our unique style of work, has proven your company to be a vital asset to our daily operations. We look forward to a continued relationship using the AMT product and your company.


Studio Systems Operations Manager

"Modular Tooling Reduces Fixturing Costs, Allows Conversion From One Make to Another"


It's easy to learn, but there is so much there that you have to sort through it. Once you know what everything does, it's like working one of those Erector® sets you had when you were a kid. It's very, very user friendly."

"It's part of our system now, they are definitely going to use it on the next big project. It should last for years."


Bill Ralph, Quality Metalcraft, Inc.
Excerpted from Quality Magazine, June 27, 2008
Read the entire case study here

Composites Affordability Initiative


"A substantial benefit to the tooling is that is grows with the assembly by removing / adding details, eliminating the need to transfer the assembly to multiple assembly jigs."


The Boeing Company


Ford Best Practice Recognition
Chrysler SCORE Award
GM testimonial letter
DOD ManTech award
Composites Affordability Initiative

The contents of this website are copyrighted © 1998 - 2024 by Paul W. Marino Gages, Inc. Reprint by permission only.
AMT©, American Modular Tooling©, Studio Tools© and Solutions© are trade names of Paul W. Marino Gages, Inc.
Koba© is a registered trade name of Kolb & Baumann GmbH. of Germany. The Koba-Step©, Koba-Check©, Koba-Ball Step© and Koba-Optima© are protected by patents.
Photos and illustrations contained herein may show items or components not distributed by Paul W. Marino Gages, Inc. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this site.



Paul W. Marino Gages, Inc.
PWM Measurements & Standards (coming soon)
1 SE Ocean Blvd.
Stuart, FL 34994 USA

(Please contact us for our ship to address)
Phone/Text 313.300.0134
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